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Flux Repository Structure

Work in progress

This document is a work in progress.

TL;DR Quick Start

If you're familiar with Kustomize and how it operates within the Flux ecosystem this will provide a quick overview:

└── kubernetes/
    ├── clusters/
       ├── production/                         # One folder per cluster.
          ├── flux-system/                    # Folder containing flux-system manifests.
             ├── ...                         # Flux component resource manifests.
             └── kustomization.yaml          # Generated kustomization per cluster bootstrap.
          └── kustomization.yaml              # Kustomization per cluster referring all manifests in core and namespace directory.
       └── staging/
           ├── flux-system/
              ├── ...
              └── kustomization.yaml
           └── kustomization.yaml
    ├── core/
       ├── base/
          └── .../                            # One folder per resource type and/or app with its core dependency with prune disabled.
              └── application/                # One folder per application with core manifests.
                  └── kustomization.yaml      # Kustomization per core application.
       └── overlays/
           ├── production/
              ├── kustomization.yaml          # Kustomization per cluster referencing each core app required.
              └── patch.yaml                  # Optional patch for each environment.
           └── staging/
               ├── kustomization.yaml
               └── patch.yaml
    └── namespaces/
        ├── base/
           └── namespace/                      # One folder per namespace containing base resources.
               ├── namespace.yaml              # Namespace manifest.
               ├── kustomization.yaml          # Kustomization per namespace referring all manifests in this current directory.
               └── application/                # Folder per app containing manifests and patches for each application.
                   └── kustomizaiton.yaml      # Kustomization per app referring all manifests in this directory.
        └── overlays/
            ├── production/
               ├── kustomization.yaml          # Kustomization per cluster referencing each namespace and app required.
               └── patch.yaml                  # Optional patch for each environment.
            └── staging/
                ├── kustomization.yaml
                └── patch.yaml

Repository Structure Breakdown

This Git repository contains the following directories:

  • clusters dir contains the Flux configuration per cluster.
  • core dir contains cluster resources that are core prerequisites to the cluster.
  • namespaces dir contains namespaces and application workloads per cluster.
├── clusters/
│   ├── production
│   └── staging
├── core/
│   ├── base
│   └── overlays/
│       ├── production
│       └── staging
└── namespaces/
    ├── base
    └── overlays/
        ├── production
        └── staging

The clusters/ dir contains configuration for each cluster definition and the infrastructure as code for each relevant cluster where applicable.

The core/ dir contains all resources that are prerequisites to namespaces and workloads, this includes resources: CRDs, certain applications like Istio and Gatekeeper that must exist prior to other workloads, and crossplane resources that provisions infrastructure.

The namespaces/ configuration is structured into:

  • namespaces/base/ dir contains namespaces and application workload resources.
  • namespaces/overlays/production/ dir contains the production cluster values and references what base components to deploy.
  • namespaces/overlays/staging/ dir contains the stating cluster values and references what base components to deploy.
└── namespaces/
    ├── base/
       └── namespace/
           ├── namespace.yaml
           ├── kustomization.yaml
           └── application/
               ├── helmrelease.yaml
               └── kustomizaiton.yaml
    └── overlays/
        ├── production/
           ├── kustomization.yaml
           └── patch.yaml
        └── staging/
            └── ...

In namespaces/base/ dir will be a hierarchy of all namespace/ dirs which will contain application resources. Each cluster overlay includes each namespace and/or application which is explicitly referenced; The base application configuration is defined with the following values:

kind: HelmRelease
  name: metallb
  namespace: network-system
  interval: 5m
      chart: metallb
      version: 2.0.4
        kind: HelmRepository
        name: bitnami-charts
        namespace: flux-system
      interval: 10m
        - name: default
          protocol: layer2

In namespaces/overlays/production/ dir we have a Kustomize patch file(s) with the production cluster specific values:

kind: HelmRelease
  name: metallb
  namespace: network-system
        - name: default
          protocol: layer2

Note that whilst using Kustomize we can overwrite default values; in this example the default MetalLB address pool will be patched in the production cluster to a unique pool.

Last update: December 15, 2023